US: Kanye West has spent nearly $6 million on presidential bid



The superstar Rapper Kanye West has spent nearly $6 million on his quixotic presidential campaign through August, a new filing shows, an effort funded almost exclusively by the rapper himself. 

Kanye political party, which is called 'The Birthday Party', has filed his first report with the Federal Election Commission, which shows that West's campaign has spent $5.86 million so far, with most of that money going toward consultants and fees. Kanye himself has loaned his campaign more than $6.7 million, split between July and August. 

The only other income coming in the form of small-dollar donations under $11,500. The campaign also holds $1.2 million in debt owed to consulting firms based out of New Mexico and Arizona.

West’s biggest donors are Mac Tylor, of San Francisco, who works in design at Apple, and Laurence Chandler, a fashion designer who has helped on West’s clothing line. Each gave the campaign $1,000.

According to Forbes, the rapper is one of the highest-paid celebrities of 2019-20, he officially became a billionaire this past April, largely due in part to his successful fashion and sneaker line. 

Publish : 2020-09-05 20:15:52

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