Election 'audits' let GOP replay 2020 grievances: The Note

What some say are efforts to force transparency are increasingly transparent.


ByRick Klein,Averi Harper ,Quinn Scanlan, and Meg Cunningham
Photo: abcnews

Republicans are citing the need to look forward in arguing that a Jan. 6 commission either isn't necessary or isn't wise.

But in the two states that brought the biggest surprises of 2020, what happened Nov. 4 is still a live political issue -- and it's Republicans, led by former President Donald Trump, who seem increasingly likely to fight for it to live forever.

Monday marks the resumption of the state Senate's "audit" of votes in Arizona's largest county -- a spectacle that has even some local GOP officials worried that it's turning into a national embarrassment. Now, Georgia will also audit the absentee votes in its largest county, with a judge green-lighting a fourth count there.

Publish : 2021-05-24 19:11:00

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