The mess in Afghanistan, and who to blame?

Photo: AFP

Just a few days ago, talking with PBS News Hour, Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan said Afghanistan has been messed up. He also questioned the US intentions behind attacking Afghanistan.

The Pakistan Prime Minister said outright, that the "US really messed it up in Pakistan." 

In another interview with Afghani Media, Imran Khan also denied the allegations of Pakistan supporting the Taliban.

What the Pakistan Prime Minister said is partially true, the US is responsible for the mess in Afghanistan. However, the US is not the only one to blame. Other countries such as Pakistan are also morally responsible for the tragedy in Afghanistan.

In the 1970s when the Soviets took over Afghanistan, People used to say they are "aiming at the warm water of the Persian Gulf."

When the Socialists took over Afghanistan in 1979, it used to be said that Pakistan is the next target for the Soviets. In the words of Ronald Regan, the "demonic Empire of godless communists were expanding, and they are to be stopped."

Pakistani Prime Minister Jia-Ul-Haq used to say, "Pakistan and Islam are in grave moral danger."

To say Pakistan was in danger, that time was far from reality. The Soviet Union would not attack Pakistan, neither there was a socialist revolution uprising in Pakistan. There is a beautiful irony though, the Islam wasn't in danger when the "godless Communists" of Dengist China were given access to the Arabian Sea. General Gia said himself, Islam will be safe-guarded by the Communists.

After the Afghani Communists took over Afghanistan to form the Secular Republic, what happened is known to everyone. The American Embassy in Islamabad, recruited Arabian Militants to run a secret Operation. The American and the Pakistani Intelligence agencies invested a lot of money and time for that operation. 

After a decade of the operation being funded. Chief of the Pakistani Intelligence I.S.I. said with a lot of pride that they are the ones who made the Soviets kneel. 

What would happen if Pakistan rejected the American request to assist them in fighting Afghanistan? In the end, it was just an American agenda to destroy their cold war era rivals.

If Pakistan had denied intervening, the "Saur Revolution" would weaken itself in a couple of years. The factions of Ruling People's Democratic Party, "Parcham," and "Khalq", which have had decent public support were against how the government was overtaken.

And the Soviet troops would leave the soil if America had not been instigating Mujahidin Movement in the country.

Yes, the infighting could have caused few hundreds of deaths but the death tolls would not be in Millions, as it is now. The country would not have been devastated, as it is now.

But, it did not happen.

Soviet had intervened in the First Place after the infighting of the People's Democratic Party between the Klaq and Parcham, to save the industrialized revolution. 

America claimed that Afghanistan would cause a Domino effect. It feared that the successful revolution in an Islamic country would spark another wave of revolutions in the poorer and religious countries, which would spark another series of socialist revolutions in the world. And America was determined to overturn this, it did so. The Soviet Union was so focused on Afghanistan and the American influence reached the ends of the Soviet Union, that the vast amount of public support could not save the Union. 

After the Soviet Union wanted to leave Afghanistan, the Raegan Administration was still bloodthirsty. Pakistan was blind over the funding and power it had got through Afghanistan, it dismissed the Soviet's agreement to leave Afghanistan. 

Even when the Soviet Union left, Afghanistan was still in control of the communists, because they were the ones with the vast amount of public support. 

America just quietly left the region, after handing over the government to neoliberals, assuring Communists are now down and dusted. 

The Soviet Union had fallen down, America had no real reason to stay. Taliban was created, from the Mujahidin that the US had built in Afghanistan. The "fundamental-Islamism" that the US used to tackle the secular Regime.

The mutated Taliban virus backfired in the US. It destroyed World Trade Center and did the things that the US wanted it to do against the USSR.

The US was again back in Afghanistan, its motive now was to destroy the very virus it created. 

America had been running Afghanistan, through the hands of a liberal government and a liberal state. Now, when 20 years after running Afghanistan, America has decided to leave the country, when the situation is messed up even more and the country can not afford it.

The scenes from will be repeating in Afghanistan, Taliban is very much likely to take over the state, it has a stronger army than Afghanistan, it had been resisting and fighting the US troops. Afghan troops would be comparatively easy for it.

Current Russia, America, and Pakistan, all three countries have been responsible for the crisis in the region. And India has entered the scene recently. Just with hopes of destroying Pakistan, India wants to repeat what America did to USSR. It might be early to declare but India certainly entered the scene.

Taliban leaders, fighters, and their families have received shelter, health care, and protection from Pakistan. No matter how much we (Pakistan) deny this fact, no one believes it. 

The Pakistani Taliban, which killed children at the Army Public School in December 2014, and the Afghan Taliban, are theoretically brothers. The latter wants to capture Kabul (probably will succeed) and the first wants to capture Islamabad but will be content with its own terrorist activities. 

The interest of the country in the region can only be defended when the region is peaceful, and the state is certainly not guided by religious motives.

Publish : 2021-08-08 08:19:00

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