United State forces bomb University Campus and Grain Silos in Syria

The rupture of diplomatic relations between Syria and the United States occurred in 2012. Photo: El Periódico.

The University of the Euphrates and grain silos in the northeastern province of Hasakeh were struck today by US forces deployed in Syria without the consent of their government or the approval of the UN.

According to state media, missiles launched by US bombers hit the rectory of the educational institution, destroying the building's car garage, as well as the silos and facilities of the Grain Company.

According to reports in the media, the explosions were carried out under the guise of apprehending fugitive terrorists from the al-Sinaa Prison, which was taken over by the extreme Islamic State, also known as Daesh in Arabic.

A section of the Polytechnic Institute was demolished by Washington forces in a similar attack last Saturday.

The US military and the militia that operates under their supervision, the so-called Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), converted the Al-Sinaa school of professional education into a jail that contains about 5,000 terrorists, the majority of whom are foreign nationals.

Last Thursday, Daesh used two bomb trucks driven by suicide bombers to strike the facility's doors, and then scores of militants swarmed the center, causing havoc.

The governor of Hasakeh, the province where these events are taking place, stated that the Daesh attack is being planned by the US, which is attempting to recycle the terrorist group in order to justify its illegal presence.

Publish : 2022-01-25 12:30:00

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