As museums slowly begin to reopen, visiting them is very low

Photo by JUNG YEON-JE/AFP via Getty Images.

After the economy and institutions in cities around the world took a hit during lockdown, select cities are tentatively reopening communal spaces including art galleries and museums but visiting them are very low in numbers.

But just because visitors are have returned, it doesn’t mean things look like the beforetimes. Museums in Germany, South Korea, China, Switzerland, and Poland are among the first to ease restrictions, though with some marked changes: Everyone is wearing protective face masks, hand-santizing stations are omnipresent, and markers on floors now denote six-feet-apart social distancing recommendations.

This year the seasonal change is even more glorious, but the crisis of coronavirus has brought the fear in visitors to enjoy such moments.

Publish : 2020-05-14 16:30:00

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